Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Itsy bitsy teeny weeny...

Last night my ward had a Relief Society Service Auction and I made this teeny cake to donate with the promise of an AMAZING custom cake sometime this year.  I did warn them that this was only my third cake ever!  I am making a birthday cake for a sister in September so that gives me plenty of time to practice...I hope.  Doug took this blurry picture before I was quite finished putting the little balls around the bottom.  Do you recognize the little purple flowers from my 'Tangled' cake?  Both the flowers and leaves were made using my new extruder tool.  It also came with a teeny little bird that I meant to use with each cake as my signature but I keep forgetting!  This fancy fondant 'cake' is actually hiding yummy Walmart brownies with cream cheese frosting.  Mmmmm.  I almost bid on it myself!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

'Tangled' Tower

Tia's Tangled Cake
As soon as I knew Disney's Tangled would be in theatre's for Tiana's birthday, I decided her cake had to be a tower.  In this case, we were lucky to eat the 20 layers of cake before it toppled but it was a wonderfully fun group effort putting the fondant flowers, rocks, and shingles on.  Next time, I will remember the dowels for more support.  I wish I had been able to take more time with the details but we couldn't be late for such a great movie!  Many thanks to Auntie Julia for showing up at just the right time to help with my favorite finishing touch.  I had dehydrated, and then crumbled, moss colored royal icing which we applied with a wet paintbrush to the cobblestone fondant. 
20 layers!

This was my very first homemade (no mix!)  crazy good banana pound cake per Tiana's request, with sliced bananas in the top of the tower.  Sadly, (but, so funny) Tiana got her hair all 'tangled' in the batter beaters.  We whipped up a batch of my friend Robin's favorite italian buttercream frosting to put between the layers and underneath the fondant.  Individually I thought they were divine, but together....too rich for my taste.  That didn't stop me from eating too much.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Go Seahawks!!

Seahawks Jersey Cake for Jimmy's 1/11/11 Birthday

Jimmy with the Seahawk
Jimmy's love for the Seahawks inspired my first cake of 2011.  It is made with store bought white cake mix dyed blue and green like his fan hair at Saturday's earthshaking game and covered with blue dyed store bought fondant.  I used gel food coloring to paint the logo onto white fondant as well as the darker portion of the sleeves.  The idea for a Seahawks Jersey cake was copied from someone online who did a more professional job but I am pretty proud nonetheless.  The best thing about using fondant for the first time was the forgiving aspect of my design, it was just a t-shirt after all.  So mixing colors, and even laying the fondant were very relaxed.  In fact, I had to make a deliberate wrinkle or two to make it more realistic.  The most challenging part was painting the logo but also my favorite creation.  Thanks to my own dedicated fans, who chose the 12th man theme, we finished this before 11pm on 1/11/11.  Happy Birthday Jimmy!